Southern Africa Overland Adventure by Tuk Tuk
A team of three foreign couples have embarked on an exciting six-month Overland trip of South and Southern Africa by Tuk Tuk.
These close-knit Belgian friends hail from different countries, Frank Janssens & Sylvia Margraff from Vancouver, Quentin and Carine Malrain from Brussels, and Alain Machtelinckx and Anne Beltman from Oregon in the US
These true adventurers have all travelled extensively, be it on bicycles through Europe, Scandinavia and Asia, or sailing across the Atlantic from Europe to the US and back in a small sailing boat unaided.
Frank had the idea to travel across India by Tuk Tuk having done this on bicycles with his partner Sylvia. Due to the logistics of travelling with three couples, the location changed and he decided to put a trip together for the three couples to explore South Africa and its neighbouring countries.
Plans were put in place last year and the Team purchased 3 Piaggio Apé Auto+ model Tuk Tuks from Piaggio SA in Johannesburg. Their only requirement was to have roll down see-through vinyl doors and mosquito nets fitted.
With limited tools and equipment, the team went about customizing their own vehicles, creating storage cupboards, a sleeping platform to enable them to sleep in their vehicles, fitting jerry cans and 12v charging points.
The tenacious adventurers set off on their travels on the 19th of January heading east towards the Kruger Park and will be touring Swaziland and Lesotho on their way to Cape Town and up to Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe before returning to SA where their Tuks will be sold.
Travelling at an unhurried slow pace was chosen so the team could truly experience the culture and terrain in the different countries they visit and allow them to stop often to engage with the local inhabitants in their surroundings, but more importantly, to have fun!!!
We can’t wait to hear of their experiences and receive their travel log once they complete their trip. This is no mean feat to undertake this mammoth trip in vehicles with a top speed of 45 – 55kph.
If you see these fun-loving adventurers on the road wherever it may be, give them a smile and a wave and wish them well on their travels!!!
Safe Travels
Piaggio SA

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